
{the 'J' family}

As a photographer, I always feel blessed when a family chooses me to capture their special moments. But it means even more when the family returns for a repeat session! The 'J' family is one of the sweetest families ever! Last year, their little girl was only weeks old when we had their Christmas session, doesn't seem like it's been a year already. Their little man, 'Z' is still quite the little charmer and had me laughing the whole time! Thanks again for the adventure!


{Recent Sessions}

I've been a bad blogger again! Make sure you have 'liked' my facebook fan page in order to be in the know for recent sessions and specials. Holiday sessions - for this year- will need to be held in October with an ordering deadline of November 10th. This will insure that I will have a couple weeks to prepare for our newest little man to join our family (dd:12/3). 

And one more plug for another project that I've got going on right now. While you are on facebook please like Bubba's Basics. A good friend and I have been brainstorming for well over a year and have finally started working on cute and unique (mostly) boy items. We have clothes, baby burp rags and car seat covers, and many fun items too! 

As always, thank you for all your support. 


{From CEO-Mom}

I found this on another blog, but seriously how perfect is this?!? 

To: All Household Team Members

From:  Mom (CFO, Senior VP, Head of Maintenance)

Subject:  Kitchen usage during Summer schedule

As I'm sure you are aware, due to our current summer schedule the staff kitchen is seeing much heavier traffic than usual.  I feel it is necessary at this time to remind all crew members of the guidelines regarding kitchen usage.

  1. The kitchen appliances (other than refrigerator} should only be used during designated meal times.
  2. Designated (and reasonable) meal times, as determined by the management  are as follows:  Breakfast:  6 a.m. to 9 a.m.  (to accommodate  for differences in shift starting times.)   Lunch:  11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  and   Dinner:   5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
  3. Please try to coordinate your meals with your team members.  (eg. if you would like to make  macaroni and cheese, you might ask everyone else if they would like to share a box with you.)  This will eliminate food waste, decrease water consumption, and alleviate dish pile-up in the sink.
  4. Dishes used during meal preparation should be rinsed out and placed in the sink for further cleaning.  Please do not leave dishes anywhere other than the sink.  The desk, coffee table, arm of the couch and counter tops in any room are not "close enough" to the sink to count.  
  5. Likewise, the phrase "I'll get that in just one minute" should not be used as it relates to removal of dishes from aforementioned locations.  A DVR has been provided for your convenience, therefore waiting for a commercial to rinse dishes should be unnecessary.
  6. Furthermore, if you allow the dog to lick the remnants of food off of your dishes, the dishes are neither a) clean nor b) the dog's responsibility.  You must still return these dishes to the sink for further cleaning.
  7. If you are hungry at times other than designated meal times, you will find prepackaged snacks in the pantry.  Perhaps you would also occasionally consider the fruit bin in the refrigerator as a reasonable source for snacks.
  8. As dinner is often provided by the management at no cost to you, please check with the manager on duty before consuming anything after 4:00 p.m. to be advised of dinner's ETA.

    Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.  I feel that following these guidelines will result in a much happier and more pleasant workplace for all involved. 

    Find more here: http://amygregson.blogspot.com/#ixzz1PrCc7JFb


    {OpLove} Z family Homecoming-San Diego Military photographer

    I love everything about Military homecomings! Not just the first kiss and hug, but seriously everything. There is something so special about being apart of such a heartwarming moment. And while I really do love all homecomings, I have to say that there is nothing like a Navy homecoming. I love watching the ship pull in, the sailors lining the deck dressed in their whites, and the thousands of cheers echoing the pier. In fact I can still vividly remember my dad's last homecoming. And I just wish that I could track down the pictures of that day. 
    Today I was able to capture Leslee and her adorable son, "B" and her husband reunite after a long deployment aboard the US Carl Vinson. Thank you Leslee for contacting me and allowing me to spend just a few short hours with you and your family. I wish you all nothing but the best. 



    I've recently been accepted as an OpLove photographer! Within days of being accepted I was contacted by Jamie and asked to capture her husbands homecoming. Needless to say, I was excited and nervous at the same time! Here's a few from his early (4am!!!) return. Oh, and how cute are their boys (4yo this summer and 6.5 months)?!? 


    {I heart faces} entry for the week-'sunflare'

    When I saw the challenge for I heart faces this week, I instantly knew I'd enter 1 of 2 different shots. This was my first session with this fabulous couple. I was also honored to capture their beautiful baby girl about a week before Christmas.


    {Boys and cookies!} -momma photog meetup

    I'm blessed that not only do I think I have a great group of friends, but I also have a few friends that have a passion for photography-some are in business, some are not. After the rain cleared, Danielle and I got to meet up in hopes to find a new photo location. I'm not sure that I was sold on heading there in the future, but the boys sure had a great time. As I was leaving out house, my neighbor brought over Valentine's day cookies for us to enjoy (I LOVE my neighborhood!) And we thought it'd be a nice treat to bring to Danielle and her boys. 


    {Meet lil' Miss G} Murrieta Temecula Children photographer

    Have I mentioned how awesome I think it is when clients refer their friends/family?!? Thank you so much!

    Last weekend, I had a mini-session in my studio with Miss G. Isn't she darling?!? Here's a few more of my favorites, if you want to see a couple more check out my facebook page. While you are there, make sure to 'like' my page to keep updated about upcoming specials. 


    {Photog giveaway}

    I LOVE facebook! There are so many photographers putting on great giveaways with fabulous vendors. You have to check out LWP.

    Wish me luck!

    {I heart faces} entry for the week-'hearts'

    If you haven't checked out I heart faces, you really should. It's a great online (and free) community for photographers (professionals and mommy/daddy-togs too). Every week they have a weekly photo challenge, where anyone can post a picture to be judged. This weeks theme-hearts. Here's my entry for the week...wish me luck. 

    I Heart Faces - Photography Challenges, Tutorials and Tips


    {Joy of Love} Day 4-What they wear

    Here's my Crazy boy! He's makes me laugh everyday. My kids have several toy boxes filled with costumes from past halloweens, birthday parties, etc-they love coming out and playing the part of their character. Here he is playing a grandpa! He even walked around with a hunched back and with a lightsaber as a walking stick!

    {Joy of Love} Day 3-then and Now

    I'm a little behind on my Joy of love project-check it out here if you are interested in doing one. Here's one I got of 'my brainiac' and 'crazy boy' (or 'wild child'). They are holding a picture I took of them over a year ago---it's still one of my favorites.


    {Joy of Love} day 2-how they look

    If you haven't heard of the {Joy of Love} project-check out the details here or on facebook here. You can still sign up and its FREE!

    Here's my shot for today. 'Crazy boy' (aka-Dylan) was "too busy" to be bothered with getting his picture taken, so I'll have to catch him another time. Here's 'Brainiac' (Tristan) and 'Baby J'. Baby J adores his big brothers and lights up every time they get home from school.



    {Winter Semi-Formal} wk 5/52-Murrieta HS Senior Photographer

    Let me start off my saying how much I LOVE being a mom of boys! They love their mom the most; they love playing rough, but following it up with a kiss; they love helping me cook but skip out on the cleaning; they love rockin' out with their paper jamz or even the random leg or air guitar. Boys ROCK!

    With that said, I realized last saturday that there are some things that I don't get to experience with boys. Our xc (cross country) and track boy (aka-'the teenager') is awesome, but doesn't go to school dances often. If fact since starting middle school in 6th grade-now as a 10th grader-he's gone to 3. As a girl-I don't remember missing a single one! I loved them! I love the shoes, the dress, the jewelry, the hair, the make-up the shopping, the WHOLE package!

    Randomly, 'the teenager' asked me if I'd take pictures of him and his friends before the dance! I looked at him with a HUGE smile on my face, "Are you serious?!? Yeah-I will, I'd love to!!!" This coming from the kiddo who really hates to get his picture taken...I re-arranged my whole weekend to be able to do this for him and his friends (all girls...yep). More pictures are here on my facebook page.


    {Birthday Boy} - wk 4/52

    I am loving that I am doing a 52 week challenge this year! Most of my picks for the week have been of baby J-but that is because, he's not in school or working, so I spend more time with him than anyone else. I will try to get more of my other boys as the year continues.

    Here's my week 4 pick-we went out for a play day at the park. J had a blast!


    My photo for the {'I heart faces'} photo challenge-best face forward

    I Heart Faces - Photography Challenges, Tutorials and Tips

    {Boudoir Session} -Menifee, Riverside Boudoir photographer

    What is a Boudoir session? It's a session about empowerment, being fearless, and showing the world (or just that special someone) how beautiful you are! Don't do it just for them, do it for yourself-and let me capture your beautiful, sexy and confident self! 

    Boudoir sessions make a great gift! Think Valentines, anniversary, birthday, deployment gift, or pre-wedding gift. 

    Know of a few friends that may be interested? Contact me to set up a Boudoir party. Friends+ snacks+ wine = a great time and unforgettable pictures!

    Here's a great friend of mine-beautiful on the outside AND inside. She is a fabulous, friend, wife, and mother. xoxo Love you T!   


    {More Cake Smashing Fun}

    I think I may have a new favorite type of session! Here's more from my session with my lil' man!