
{Winter Semi-Formal} wk 5/52-Murrieta HS Senior Photographer

Let me start off my saying how much I LOVE being a mom of boys! They love their mom the most; they love playing rough, but following it up with a kiss; they love helping me cook but skip out on the cleaning; they love rockin' out with their paper jamz or even the random leg or air guitar. Boys ROCK!

With that said, I realized last saturday that there are some things that I don't get to experience with boys. Our xc (cross country) and track boy (aka-'the teenager') is awesome, but doesn't go to school dances often. If fact since starting middle school in 6th grade-now as a 10th grader-he's gone to 3. As a girl-I don't remember missing a single one! I loved them! I love the shoes, the dress, the jewelry, the hair, the make-up the shopping, the WHOLE package!

Randomly, 'the teenager' asked me if I'd take pictures of him and his friends before the dance! I looked at him with a HUGE smile on my face, "Are you serious?!? Yeah-I will, I'd love to!!!" This coming from the kiddo who really hates to get his picture taken...I re-arranged my whole weekend to be able to do this for him and his friends (all girls...yep). More pictures are here on my facebook page.



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